Max Access Vs. The Competition

How do we stack up?

With Max Access you get cutting edge innovation and the most value at the best price. Check the chart for the highlights and more details below.

AccessiBe Max Access
Starting Price $49 /Mo $27 /Mo
Initial Remediation Time Up to 48 Hours 1-2 Hours
Images Remediated 1000 Unlimited
Text-to-Speech No Yes
TTS Language Translation No Yes
Extended Remediation Reports No Yes
Dashboard with AI Controls No Yes
AI-Driven Alt-tag Manager No Yes
AI-Driven ARIA Manager No Yes
Multiple Toolbars to Choose From No Yes
Usage Statistics No Yes
Made in the USA No Yes

Updated 3/13/2024 Some enhanced features require Max Access Pro.

Free Forever – No Credit Card Required

Initial Remediation Time

Max Access goes right to work auditing and remediating your site. No need to wait days to get your website updated.

Images Remediated

Unlike some of our competitors, out of the box there are no restrictions on how many images our system audits and creates appropriate labels and tags for.

Extended Remediation Reports

The Max Access Dashboard gives you a detailed report of compliance issues beyond what can be remediated through automation to help you maximize your accessibility. 

Compliance issues and alerts are seperated by WCAG Level A, AA, Color Contrast and Section 508. When applicable the reports give you the exact code snippet in violation and a screenshot.

In the report WCAG violations also link you to video training from our Accessibility Specialists that walk you throught the guidelines and what they mean in basic terms so you and your dev team can learn to avoid those violations in the future.

The reports are compiled weekly and are archived for two months so you can view your compliance over time.

Dashboard and AI Controls

Don’t blindly trust some AI to make changes to your website without knowing what it’s updating or without having full control. The Dashboard gives you maximum control and features advanced options.

Free Forever – No Credit Card Required

Proudly Made in the USA!

ABILITY™ | Advancing Digital Accessibility

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World Wide Web Consortium
The member icon for the IAAP, the International Association of Accessibility Professionals